John McAfee, the legendary IT security guru and founder of McAfee Associates joins us today. He is a a man who needs no introduction as he developed the famous McAfee Antivirus which has been used on computers worldwide for decades. John has been quite involved in the crypto space, but most recently has launched a decentralized exchange ‘McAfeeDex’. He believes centralized exchanges are the weak point of the crypto industry. Although John doesn’t expect miracles at first, he believes decentralized exchanges are the only way forward.


All right. We should be starting in around five minutes. Thanks for everybody’s patience.

Hello, Scott. Ethan, are you there? Yeah, I’m here. What’s going on, man? All right. How are you doing anything?

I’m good. How about yourself? I guess are we not doing video on this one or we should be doing video. Just one second here. All right. I’ve got my video on. You’ve got the boat.

I don’t know why mine. Mine joined without video. It’s a let’s see. Okay, here we go. Start my video. Okay, got it. There you are. Yeah. Here. Right.

So let’s see. Is there any way I can move? Ooh, yeah, that’s, that’s even better. Sweet. how’s your morning? Well it was doing much better than it has been. I’ve still got a bit of a cold, so have a little bit stuffed up, but I’m doing good. I’m on the tail end of it and I’m looking forward to to meeting with John McCain

If he shows. No, I just heard from his wife Janice and you said everything’s a go, everything’s a go. So, so we’re just waiting for John McAfee to pop online here and I’ll be sure to promote him to a panelist in the zoom software. Okay. And we should be good to go. Can you see my mic at all or is it showing up at all? No, very nice. Thick beard is, is

Well it’s not flashing right. It’s just right here, so, all right. So I’m just trying to, you know, understand the angles or whatnot, like what my limitations are. So happy early birthday to you, my friend. Yeah, it’s a, it’s a day early. Do you have any special plans for the big day tomorrow?

Not much and plan for the big day, but we will be having a little bit of fun with some friends this weekend. Okay. What about yourself? I have absolutely nothing planned. Now you’re going to be, you’re going to be 45? No, no, no, that’s right. I’m older than you. Okay. You’re going to be 44 43 43. Okay. Sorry, man. See, I’m already, I’m already getting senile. So losing your hair and everything lives in the hair. Everything’s going gray, so you’re going be 43. All right. I hope you don’t mind, but me and the team decided to get together and get you a little something. Tried to expedite it to arrive on your birthday, but then I thought, Hey, you know, he’s probably gonna want to do things on his birthday anyway. Awesome. 1,000 Bitcoin or it’s, it’s going to come a day late, but hopefully it’s not a dollar short. I wish I could get you a thousand Bitcoins. We all do. None of us would need jobs if we had a thousand Bitcoins. Yep. John McAfee. Okay. Allow to talk and [inaudible]. Mr McAfee.

Hello? John, can you hear us? No, we can, can you hear me? I can. Fantastic. Yes, we can. Okay. I can see a, the host asked you to start your video. I don’t know. Are you going to start shores? We have our video on. Can you see us all right? Yeah, you’re very tiny, Joe. My eyes are bad. Let’s see. If I can get so tiny. There you are. Now look at that. A fucking sailboat. Where are you? I thought you were going to be on your boat. Yeah. Boy, you need to keep up man am I haven’t had my boat for eight months after we got arrested in Dominican Republic. It got taken from us. So we’re in hiding somewhere and in the world. And you guys need to keep up. Oh, I’d be freaking out, man. Yeah. Okay. But, but you don’t, you don’t give us the latest information.

We always kind of know just a little bit after you’ve made your next top so, well, yeah. You know, I mean otherwise I’ll get caught. Lie, right? Yeah. Right. So you’re smart about it. Here we are. Well alive. Is that correct? Are alive. We are alive now. No, no, no. Before we even start this. God damn, that was like a sailboat. Is that a sailboat? I could change my background if you want. I can hop into a different boat. Oh, fuck you. This is some computer generated shit behind you. Oh God damn it.

So you were pulling my leg. Okay. That’s the magic of technology. You push your button, you want it, now you’re in. Okay. I only looked, it looked realistic all morning. This morning I was looking for different backgrounds. The one you have is perfect. That there that says high class number one. I’m a man of quality that says too much America. Oh man. Of maybe an Ella. You’re in Alabama during some convention of succeeding from the union yet again. That’s what that looks like. So all right, well I’m here. Let’s start. Welcome to the crypto mining tools podcast. This is a, technically it was supposed to be our 14th episode, but now it’s like 1670 18 but at whatever a welcome. And we want to get your thoughts and opinions on mining and crypto and anything else you want to talk about. But you know, we, we want to try to keep it PG.

Maybe our okay, so you, you’re talking about my language. Yes, no, that’s going to be really hard. I’m sorry. I mean I will do my best, but it’s not something that I can do. I’m going to be Frank with you upfront and if your abusers are, are not happy with or disgusted with words like fuck, then you, you’ve actually invited the wrong man. I can’t do it podcast without it coming out 30, 40 a hundred times. I’m so sorry. That’s what I still ask me. That will not happen. They will not happen. If that’s what you’re expecting, it won’t happen. People, this is why I do podcasts because I do this. Listen, you should see me sometimes on C N N where every three seconds there’s and beep beep. That’s all there is. So you know, I’ve been this way. This is me. This is how I speak.

I use profanity as punctuation spoken, punctuation. Those of you who do not like it, please hang up. Now turn off your fucking computers because I fucking promise you your ears will fall off of your head. Well, John, we’ve warned everyone from the gallery. We have a question. Somebody’s asking, can I vote for John the president if you want. I am in fact running, but I don’t want to be. And if there’s isn’t, first of all, it’s a wasted vote. Let’s be honest on John McAfee. If you think there’s any way that I could ever be president, then you need to move out of your mother’s basement and smell the real world because I can’t be people. Let’s wake up. But it doesn’t matter if he’s not going to stop anyone from voting for you. Of course not. Nevertheless it doesn’t matter who the person it is.

People, if you think presidents have any power, you haven’t been paying attention. I mean, have you, has any president in America ever done anything for the past 60 years? Dwight Eisenhower was the last real president and he warned us when he left office, if you are not vigilant, the C I a will steal every American freedom. And we were not vigilant people, his successor, after just a few months at night, he realized a John F. Kennedy, he realized, Whoa, the CIA is running America. So he just announce I’m dismantling you. One month later he had an accident. Somebody accidentally shot him, his brother, Bobby Kennedy, who then immediately ran for the next election. Robert Kennedy who said his platform is, if he elected my first actual B to dismantle the C I a one month later, they didn’t let him get to be president. They knew he would. He was a shoe in.

He was the obvious next president. They shot him. Damn. Next precedent. No, he was much smarter, which had Nixon goes, listen, I don’t want to dismantle anybody, but please can you give us more access to the truth?

He was forced out of office. Not one president since has ever challenged the CIA. Why bother? And so presidents got new power. How does the CIA work? Well, let’s say that the second Gulf war the God over there in the CIA is the God everywhere. The CIA is broken up into provinces empires. What have you in the middle East province the King there, that’s obviously the CIA guys. There aren’t the Kings that are elected or take no, those are insignificant people. The CIE calls them transients. The CIA calls presidents transient. They come and go every four years or eight. Who cares? Meaningless people. So the guy in the middle East said, listen, [inaudible] because of the shit that I’m doing here, I want Iraq stopped.

I don’t want to stop now. I mean tomorrow. I want it bombed into oblivion and make it happen. So the CIA in Washington goes, are we going to do it? Yeah, you know, he insists. Okay, Ted, do you and Fred would go make it happen? And they go, Oh, do we have free reigns or free reign? Thank you. They go immediately into the president’s office. Mr president, please sit down. I have news of monumental importance and you must sir heed this. Well, Iraq we have just discovered has weapons and they had ballistic missiles capable of delivering them to our closest ally, which is in Oakland. And sir, we have information that tomorrow an imminent nuclear attack on our closest allies is happening now. Sir, we are not here to advise you. No, we merely tell you what’s happening. You sir must bear the burden of this decision.

Lee, I had no goddamn choice. What choice did he have? No, we knew there were no nuclear weapons. The people knew. Everybody in the world knew who I had no nuclear weapons. Rock certainly knew it, but no everybody except our Congress and our president knew. But they were told by the CIA, yes, there’s an attack happening tomorrow. Four hours later we dropped bombs on Iraq and did not stop until they were bombed into the stone age. Please God, this is how they work. And you care or do you think it mattered to them what president was sitting there? Trump. Obama. They all have to do the same thing. What choice do they fucking have? People, which means they’re puppets. So do you care if Donald Trump there or no? You care only because you think it will matter to you. But let me ask you this.

Those of you who have lived through more than one U S election, did a single hair on your head get wafted by the explosion of the change in power? No. Nothing in your eyes change. Same number of beers in your refrigerator. You had the same job, the same unhappy marriage, the same commute to work. Nothing changed. So why do you care who the president is? Why are you even bothering to vote? Well, I have a question for you. Yes. If you were president of USA, do you think you would get assassinated? Well, no, cause I wouldn’t accept the job. I’d never show up. First of all, you have to show up for work. They can’t get ya. They cannot shit. You look, we’re going to shoot and when he came in, but he never came in folks. What do we do now? No, of course I would because I would not be able to sit still and watch this madness happen around me being so close to it.

Okay, next question. Yes. From Nick foster, he asks, how can Bitcoin set us free from the tyrants? It cannot and it never will. People but cryptocurrency, the general function, privacy coins like Monero distributed exchanges. Yes, they will set us free and here is what I want to talk about. There are tens, thousands of us now here in this world today who have established communities, some of them localized others across the world. And we communicate through this media and the internet and whatever utility, Skype, who cares? We’re talking, I’m looking at your facial looking at mine and probably worn more than one person is listening to this and if not, at least you are. And so I’m communicating something and this community of people, we don’t use money. We don’t use dollars or euros. When I get paid, I do work. I can solve all kinds of things.

You got to pay me in crypto if you want me to work for you. When I buy something, I buy encrypt. Oh yeah. That’s not easy always. No, we went out today, and by the way, just so you all know, we have we have a, I’m a German photographer and a journalist from a large German magazine just helps you to know that they’re going to be wandering around taking pictures. Okay. Maybe even of the screen. And you know, he’s a journalist, so he’s a very bad man. But you know, even bad people can be awoken sometimes and so he’s going to be here. I’m just letting you know what the dynamic is. It’s a very unusual thing where I’m doing an interview and people might be popping in. In fact, mr Journal’s please Mex Mexico. This is the very bad man. Please come in and say hi.

Here he is. Hello. Mr [inaudible]. Yes, he is the same as a Maximillian. He’s with a magazine allegedly called focus focus. Allegedly. It’s a big magazine in Germany. I did find a copy in an old library and in some countries it’s probably real. It is okay, but number one being German. Well, welcome. Yes. So anyway, so he’s here but so we have a community, so tens of thousands of people that don’t use any field currencies ever. And we’re thriving. We are thriving. Join us people. Please God set yourself free. The Bitcoin won’t the good God people. Bitcoin is an old tired sip technology without any features. That makes sense. There’s no privacy. You can’t put a smart contract on that fucking block and you can’t run distributed applications. There is no use for it other than it opened the door. It was the crowbar that opened the door to the use of the blockchain and the promise, the promise of crypto currency, not the solution, but the promise.

Now it’s dead people. It’s gone. Why don’t we start calling crypto by its proper word, cryptocurrency is, it’s all not the Bitcoin. And there’s another problem. You have been given a golden key to open the cage of your financial freedom. And what are people doing with it? Going on exchanges and trying to make money. Could God people, does it matter if you a slave? How much money is with you in your cage? I don’t think so. Get out of the cage and then get which if that’s what you want, but free tours first. So come join us. Become part of the real underground freedom movement. Freedom from what? From financial slavery imposed by those who own the currency, which you are forced to use. So John question how do you pay for things right now? You said crypto, but and then another question.

How do you store your wealth for, for the long term? I have no wealth to store. I don’t, I’m not one of these people trying to get rich. I’ve been rich. Money will not bring you happiness people. I fucking promise you that. No freedom is the only thing that brings you happiness. I don’t have any of this store. But obviously what I do have is in crypto. I obviously not using Bitcoin either. Am I using anything with any volatility except Monero or privacy coin? And that’s only after I converted from Dai, which is the stable coin of choice today. It never varies more than 1% from the U S dollar. And people go, Oh, well what about the dollar? Fuck me, you’re getting into dollar anyway. When you have Bitcoins on, who cares for the, now it works in a two or three years. So it’ll be something else, which works better. But now everything’s in Dai. If I need to buy something, I convert to Monero and buy it. If I want to get paid, I get paid in Monero and convert to Dai. So a Coinbase recently added die. What are your thoughts on other stable coins, Sai? The old die? I don’t know. I’m happy with di. I’m sure there are others that might be more syrup. Listen, one, 1% good God, this, that’s sufficient for me. Why, why would you choose dye over USBC or USD T or G USD?

Because you can’t put them on a decentralized exchange. And if it’s not on a decentralizing. So we have VA, I don’t know, McAfee decks for example, decentralized. There’s not decentralized. It can be shut down, taken, monitored, anything on our decentralized exchange. There’s no God damn record. There’s nothing. You’d have no clue who the transaction is from. And to what do you think the Bitcoin havening I know you’re not very much into Bitcoin, but what do you think the BTC happening? Well having an impact on other cryptocurrencies. Do you see that playing a big role here? I think not. I think it’s not gonna have an impact on Bitcoin. Nothing, nothing major happens other than the difficulty, right? It goes Chi sky high, well, double tax, but there’s nothing other than the change in difficulty for minors. And you know, I’m no longer a minor. I mean at MGT I was a sixth largest miner in the world. That’s over.

Well the [inaudible] also reduces the supply in half too. So it’ll go from 12 and a half Bitcoin as a reward per block solved to six and a quarter. Bitcoin as a reward.

Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. That’s the same thing as your difficulty rate going up by two. Is it not? Yeah. Okay. It’s the same thing. It’s just we’re using different words now. It’s not going to have an impact on minors. Small miners shouldn’t be in the business anyway anymore. If, if you don’t have, you know, a thousand [inaudible] or something running or you should not be in this business because the economies of scale will no longer support you.

I totally get it. I’ve got a quick question for you. I was gonna kind of touch back on Monero and I’ve, I’ve heard kind of conflicting evaluations on its ability to keep our privacy. And I wanted to get your thoughts on that because you know, I, I do see you as a cybersecurity expert, so can, you can give us,

We’ll keep saying quantum computing, quantum computing, those are the people who have been like keeping up with quantum computing. Yes, we do have quantum computers. Their capabilities are so tiny. I don’t mean in terms of power, I’m in terms of flexibility. It’s going to be 20 years before a quantum computer will be able to break Mon narrows and by then we’re going to have quantum computings and all kinds of vulnerable forks. They’re just not going to matter. You didn’t, quantum computing is going to be only the bad people. We’re all going to get the same gun. All right. We’re going to use yours before your enemy towns.

Yeah, absolutely. Do you think it’s just quantum computing or does it have any vulnerabilities in it in its current form?

No. No. I did say the U S government put out an RFP in January of two 19. I don’t know if anybody monitored this you know, offering tens of millions of dollars who, anybody who can show them how to break the moment or encryption, well, nobody came through. Hey, please. It just cannot happen with our current technology. And so I’m no, I’m not looking for something for ever when I married my wife Janice, you know, I’m 74. She is now 36. And there is no forever in life. People, I am sorry, I am sorry. Those of you who fall in love and get married and expect 50 years now to feel that same shit, you’re not going to happen because what you fell in love for generally is lust, desire, thrill. Seven years later, there’s none of that left, I promise you. All right. And that, that walking on clouds, that, that being with this woman or man gave you, it’s gone. So there’d better be something else there. And well, John, we want to thank Janice for her help setting up this interview. Thank you, Janice. Stacking you, ms Janice. You’re welcome. Can we maybe say hello? Thank you.

She’s always so, John, can you tell us, you know, after, hi Janice, can you tell us what is your secret? I’m always fascinated to learn couples that have stayed together. That’s your deal man. You know, there’s nothing better than truth is there. So now we just have fun and I try not to take them too seriously. Mostly I’m just, when I’m looking at his Twitter page, I’m cringing just like everyone else. We’re rolling. But yeah, no, we have fun. We like to have fun. It’s good to see you guys together. Actually, Ethan and I, we both have, have now or have had interracial marriages. And, and I know a lot of my friends as well. You know, they, they all, are you implying that I’m not, I’m not black.

No, he’s going to lie that he’s going to tell his Joe Cowan, white girl from Boston, the one about saying if you’d been [inaudible] we were real racial I guess. But yeah, I appreciate Janice coming on there for a little bit, Janice. Okay. On this bless boat. No, this is a background. So John question what are your thoughts on staking coins that are not mind? We, we have there’s their coins, not listen, the ERC 20 tokens off, which there are now thousands, they’re not, you know, eight year old boys in school in Kansas at one created the coin called the Billy coin and everyone in school was using it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s safe for mind, red nails. What matters is, are people using it? Who cares if if Bitcoin is mined and, and then limit is 21 million coins, etc. Etc. Etc. If in fact no one’s using it and no one’s using it, it’s to start with, that’s all we feed or use.

He went on onto the dark web. You couldn’t buy anything unless you bought it with Bitcoin. Now you can’t buy anything with Bitcoin. It’s all Monero or a poem. So no. It doesn’t matter whether it’s mind or state. No. The only thing that matters is, are you using it people to change your lives, to escape from the prison of financial slavery in which you have existed. And if you think you’re not in prison, let me ask you a question. If you’re American and you don’t have access to the feds dollar and they can deny you access, you do understand this. I mean go to the IRS and they freeze his bank account and take this money away. He’s got more than $10,000 in cash. He must be a criminal restroom or just take the money, right? And without that you can’t pay the rent.

Get medical care for your children, can’t send them to school, can’t buy food, can’t buy clothes, can’t get a car, can’t go up for a restaurant. You are a slave to them. And if you, if you put someone in financial slavery, the rest of their life is also in slavery. So use the cryptocurrency and right now unfortunately there’s not many that are free. Monero is the King does the King and it will be the major cryptocurrency. We all know it. All of us in this community of non Fiat users committed to buying everything with crypto and working only for those companies or ourselves that will be guaranteed. We were paid in crypto. Now if you move into that world, you’re going to find a room full of free people ready to welcome you.

John, I wanted to ask you a little bit more about your, your transactions with Monero. Have you ever had a situation where someone, a didn’t understand what Monero was or is a and B, you just had to convince them that yes, this is something of value. If you know, I buy this from you with this Monero

No, no. Well, why would I, or first of all, I mean the people who hire me are largely in their crypto world. And if you want to buy something with crypto, you don’t have to convince someone to take it. Jesus, that’s the wrong thing to do. Google it. If you want to buy a car, there are thousands of companies who will sell you a car. Yeah, you can buy bulk food. Nothing you can’t buy with Repco. It’s good. A little bit, please. Okay. All right. And so you just, I’m not a, I’m not out here trying to convince people crypto is a good thing. I’m trying to convince those that do understand it, that you’ve understood the wrong aspect. You have understood what the market might do for you and a boom market or what am I do to you in a a market going South.

If you’re in it for that stop, go to go to Las Vegas, you get it over with quicker and right. Right, right. So no, I’m here to convince those who do understand enough that I can shed just a little more light and you can understand the full truth and power of crypto, which is free yourself, free yourself before you do anything else. Don’t get rich inside a cage cause she’s still living in the cage. Money will not buy your freedom. People advise the illusion of freedom. Yeah, it absolutely does. Now with your best guests, what would be the freest country that you know of at the moment now? I mean obviously yeah, obviously obviously there’s no perfect place, but what, what in your mind is, is the closest to freedom? What country would you know where, where should I live? Basically? Okay. [inaudible] There is no country.

It’s free. If you have a government, then you’re not free because you have given, you’ve either given power to these people through voting for them or you’ve accepted it out of fear or laziness. But no, I’m sorry. Power corrupts this assessed the way the world works. People and in government, especially on national issues, governments are all power, ultimately powerful. And so power corrupts. Oh, smoke power corrupts ultimately old people. And so if you’ve got a girlfriend, they’re corrupted and they were slave. Now I’m not saying that, you know, we, we’ve, Oh, however, when a government does change, the world changes. When a people stop submitting to corrupt power, you always win people. Why? Because you are the power that they take the fruits of your labor support this corruption in this, this ghastly consumption of those we put in power consuming what? Everything.

Yachts and private planes and children in some cases consuming the very soul of your nation, my nation, our nation. So no, there is no place. No. Why do they get excited when I saw your boat? I can see you can sail that thing. If you wheel ends, you’re actually on it by great background by the way. That’s the only freedom you will have in the international waters of this world. But then you’re on your own. Somali pirates have taken a cruise ship for fuck’s sake. All right, so you’ve got to protect yourself. You’re got to fend for yourself, you’ve got to have a enough resources to do that. And few do. Isn’t it better just to see wherever you are that you’re not free and then make yourself free and the government will change around you and it has to be changed constantly. It’s like a dirty set of underwear that people just love too much to wash and Hey,

I would like to be able to afford a new pair of underwear and in order to keep this boat running behind me here, we need to mention our sponsor here

And let’s do that. So I’ll help you in.

Can you just take a little minute here?

Yeah, I, first of all, I’d like to thank you again, mr McAfee for doing this podcast with us. And I’d also like to give a big shout out to Novablock. Our sponsor, Novablock has been in the pool business for about a little over a half a year now. And they believe that as the hash rate shifts from China to North America, they wanted to have a pool that is superior to the others. And in that short time they become one of the top 15 pools in the world. Now Scott is going to show you guys how to get a good deal with them.

Yeah. So just on the top right hand corner of the website, click sign up and in the invitation code area, just type in OFFORD18, and you’ll get a 1.8% reduction or a reduced pool fee down to 1.8%. Sorry. So invitation code OFFORD18. And then a one other thing that we have to share is this upcoming conference. It’s just wild. We’re not being paid to mention this at all, but crypto mining tools is going to be sponsoring and exhibiting at this conference. Ethan, why don’t you just tell us a little bit about that?

Yeah. I mining disrupt is where all of the, you know, the, the great powers that be, if you will, in the mining industry come together. Whether they’re, you know, technology solution innovators or hardware innovators or even, you know which is another kind of fascinating side that I’m learning about this business is, is power. And you know, our competition will be there, but it’s always very friendly and you know, Scott and I are having a booth at the event. We’re looking forward to seeing everybody there. Scott’s going to now tell you guys how to get a good discount on the tickets to come there, you know, come say hi to us. We would love to see you.

Yup. So just go to that’s And when you go there, it will automatically add a coupon code that’s called OFFORDSCOTT. And that will give you 10% off of your ticket. So. Okay, we’ll stop that and let’s get back to Johnny John.

We were actually, we’re actually a seven minutes over time or not. We’re just almost over time. We have time for one more question.

Okay. One last question, Scott. I’m going to give it to you.

All right. We would like to hear about your platform called McAfee decks.

Huh? All right. Okay. It’s the first true decentralized and distributed exchange. We we do no KYC. We ask no information. We don’t want to know your name, your email, no documents have to be submitted. You just go through and start trading, not even a log in requirements. It’s going to make for your start training. We we do know anti money laundering. It’s not my job as a developer to be a policeman. The governments have have convinced us that because there are bad people, we as citizens are responsible for helping the police. No bullshit. If we have to do it where we’re, why are we paying the police? That’s why we pay the authorities to be authorities. So I’m not playing that game. So no, no KYC, no way. AML, we charge nothing to list. You know,

What is the architecture that the Dex is built on?

It’s a smart contracts on the blockchain, which is why it can’t ever be shut down. Okay. Revoked. Yeah. Can be revoked, can be shut down. And it’s there. So if they ever do catch me and say, now shut that thing down. I, how can I do it? Don’t control it’s decentralized people.

Yeah. How is it the centralized? What, what blockchain is it on and how is it decentralized?

Well, fun. Gosh, on a whole bunch off now we’re okay. So we started off with Etherium blockchain, all the ERC tokens, me are [inaudible] up to ERC 14. Oh, we added [inaudible], we added Tron. We’ve now added Bitcoin, but because Bitcoin is so old, we had to use the atomic swaps though. That’s the most difficult text to try to make work. But we did a bits Bitcoin’s coming up this week, but we don’t have smart contracts on it. It’s, it’s chained off of the theory and chain nightmare. But we’ve done it. So any, any chain and all the chain support, smart contracts, how can you have a chain without smart contracts? It makes no sense. So what, what would happen if your your Dex is a domain name got seized and taken away from you? We could care less. That’s it’s distributed as well as the centralized.

So we’ve already got over 75 other domains under private names that people made themselves. You are sources open and the unstoppable domains, it’s coming this quarter, three companies are building unstoppable domains on the blockchain eyes. As soon as that happens, we’re moving back. Could be decks to the blockchain. So we can’t, you can never take it away from me unless you steal my, if you steal my keys, you can, right. If I’m smart enough not to write them down and hide them under my pillow, then how will you ever take my domain from me? Is this, Martin is asking he says we need a Tor domain like dot. Onion. Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. Have you considered getting a dot onion domain?

Please? Do you realize who owns the entire network now? The CIA, please God, it gives you no privacy. Sure. It gives you plenty of privacy from random hackers, but not from the people. You should be afraid of. The authorities, the authority, these think you can download like Nord VPN from, from Google and pay them $79 a year and you are now in violet. No, the money goes straight to the CIA. And you are monitored still. Nothing changes. No. We have to have unstoppable domains on smart contracts, on blockchains, people. There is no other way. So we have Nick toil will not ever help you. I’m sorry. I don’t want to break any hearts out there. So we have Nick asking, well, he says that Nord is for kids to watch porn in school. And yeah, no, I don’t think so. You’ve got to pay 79 bucks a year.

You know, I think kids are just, who cares, right? Watches. You watch porn. I don’t sit the kids. If you’re worried about that, I’d be more concerned about my parents bursting in to the bedroom while your screen is facing the doorway and while you’re watching porn, that’s a far threat than someone noticing that you’re on PornHub and you happen to be 12. How they would do that? I would not have a clue. So we have another comment here saying tore isn’t really safe either. I said like I just said that tense our God.

What is he saying here? Yeah, he’s wondering what, what, what do you know about tour? Not much. I’m going to, I’ve used it ever since it was created. You know, like everyone, I’ve got an onion browser and I know that it’s not safe. I know that it gives you no value please. People you need to understand only the block chain based applications and the applications on the blockchains are just collections of smart contracts, aren’t they? That’s all it is. You know, you can build anything with the launch of smart contracts and we need the blockchain for privacy. Nobody got your keys. Nobody is going to know what you’re doing. Do you understand? Yeah. In order to do that, there was one thing we must give up. That is our unique identity to someone. All right. Now that identity can be anything you want.

Here’s my set of keys. Let me, I’m not giving you, I can unlock this store and I’ll prove it. Let me unlock it for you there. I’m John McAfee. Cool. That doesn’t mean that I’m monitored forever like I’ve got a chip in the middle of my forehead. No. It means that if I want to play within the system to do things like vote, I must revealed and I am. In fact, John McAfee, I do that by unlocking the secret door that’s on the McAfee store. Let me show you. I unlocked it and walk through. It came out. It’s me. I’m going to go vote. All right then, and if you choose to not to divulge that identity to anyone, you don’t have to. Do you understand? Yeah. In order to play, we must accept that we can no longer be dual people. I cannot have 35 Twitter accounts under different names and play under all of them.

Okay. That will no longer work. It worked for play of course, but out in the system, not in the real world. You must admit to being you. If you want to act as you. When you have rights, you have the right to vote. One vote, one man. Who are you? John McAfee. Here’s proof, then go ahead and vote. All right? Or what ever it is. Or you going to be 21 to buy liquor. All right, here’s Waikiki and says I’m over 21 same key. The John McAfee. Alright, so we just need the facilities that it’s a proof of identity facility where you walk in and you say, okay, what turn your head, I’ll type

In like cheese. And the thing says, this is John McAfee proven now there will still be people stupid enough to let their keys slip into other people’s hands. Well they can’t ever be fixed. You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix it. They will always be with us. Okay? Okay. That was it. I’m sorry I have to go. We’re out of time. All right John. Thank you very much. Yeah. All right, thanks. Bye bye guys. See ya.

All right. And for anyone that is still watching, I would just want to talk a little bit about our web store here. It’s a marketplace. And we’re, we have a few different models here of SHA two 56 Bitcoin miners. We’re going to be adding other algorithms soon and also launching a hosting directory. So Ethan, why don’t you just tell our audience a little bit more about what we’re doing here?

Yeah, so originally the idea Scott started this off and it was before I came on board originally. The idea was that Scott wanted to help users out there and get the most accurate calculation possible. For the profitability of a Bitcoin miner. He noticed a lot of flaws in the existing calculations and, and mainly most of them none of them to date, I think were the only calculator that includes the impact after the block reward happening, which is, I mean, if you’re not factoring that in, in about three months, your calculations are going to be all messed up. So if you want the most accurate calculation possible, go to our calculator app. It has so many different parameters that you can change. And one of the things that I didn’t even realize and, and you know now that I’ve been mining for quite some time, is uptime is a big factor because no one has absolute, you know, perfect power.

I mean every, every power company, you know, hopefully happens infrequently, but every power company will go out temporarily from now. And then, and also another factor is sometimes these miners, they’re running but they just stop hashing. And it might be, you know, 12 hours or a day or two before you can get back to reboot it and, and to get it hashing again. And these are things that other calculators just, they just simply don’t factor in. But with our calculator you can do that. And then our next app is our comparison app. And it allows you to, to go through and again, adjust fine grain parameters and really see, you know, a head to head comparison of what’s out there in the market and find, you know, the miners that are not only the most efficient but the ones that kind of fit within your budget.

And yeah, so you can go through and you can, you can filter here. And it just gives you a really good quick glance. You know, you can see, okay, you know, this is probably, you know, what I should, yeah. What I should be focused on, on buying. You know, especially if you’re making a decision to buy thousands of miners, you know, you don’t want to buy the wrong one, but you also want to make sure that you hit that balance between performance and, and what budget you have to spend. And the comparison app will help you get there. And then finally, after you’ve gone through all these tools and you’ve become informed or you’ve come educated, you can go to our shop and you can get the, the miners that you’ve done your research on. And we have many different listers. We have individual sellers, we also have brokers, brokers that sell many, many different machines. Like Scott mentioned, we’re going to be bringing online more algorithms very shortly in the future. And yeah, I mean it’s, it’s really cool. We also have freshness that’s listed on our listing so you can see, you know, like, Oh, this is brand new, you know, I need to jump on it. Or you know, this is old. Maybe you know, the price needs to be updated

And now we also have a Sakib over here ready to help at anytime.

Yes. Sakib is there to answer any questions that you guys might have. And just as Scott mentioned, I’m really excited about this. So after you’ve researched, after you’ve bought your minors, now our next phase of our project is going to be our hosting listing directory. And this thing is going to blow your mind guys. We, we’ve integrated with Google maps API and it’s very interactive. It’s very intuitive and I can’t wait until everybody gets to see it. Right now it’s on our development server. It’s going through the final test. And it should just be a matter of days before we can make it go live on the live server. So I’m really excited for that to happen.

Yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks for that passionate explanation. Well it was a, it was a good run here with John McAfee, and thanks everybody for watching and for all of your questions and participating. This will be available on, on YouTube and we’ll be sure to get more people to watch this. So

Awesome. Thanks a lot, guys. Bye. Bye. Bye.